©Bor Rabnud Films 2009
Bipolar Mountain Man from the deep woods of Western North Carolina
Dear Alcohol,
Ever since I was a young man you had your eyes on me. You waited for that special moment to get me in your vice. When you got your grip, I was your best friend and lover.
You destroyed my life and took everything away from me including my kids, my job and my home.
You damned near stole a second marriage from me but I woke up near deaths door and became stronger than you. My Lord is now a blanket overtop your evil head. No longer will you rule my life and take it all away again. Jesus is my savior so you can go straight to hell and burn for eternity.
I have no further use for you now and I will protest your name for as long as I have another breathe in my lungs. I now cut off all ties with you and this will be the final letter I will write to you.
Freedom Forever,
Rob Dunbar
Why do we die?
Because your real life is not on earth. Earth is a place for you to come to accelerate your spiritual evolution through experiences in a limited dimensional world. You never really die, you just make a transformation from one form of energy, a more limited form of energy, back to an expanded form of energy. One is given choices when they return to earth to move closer to their connection to oneness of all. That is more difficult than is doing it in the spirit world but also is a process that moves the spirit evolution forward, quicker because of the limitations it is experiencing on earth.
Are all deaths planned at the time a person is born? Is their death already planned?
Generally speaking, we would say yes, that it is "pre-programmed". But there are energies that can cross or intersect with an individual�s energies to make death happen at a time that was not originally programmed--such as individuals who get on an airplane and do not hear their inner voice telling them that this is not the best decision to make at this time and do so anyway, and that airplane has an accident of one sort or another. The same as the energies of people who are killed in automobile accidents. The majority of the time those that are murdered are deaths that have been pre-programmed, so to speak.